The Right Win European Parliament Elections in Hungary
The Right Win European Parliament Elections in Hungary
In Hungary, the ruling Socialist party won only 17% of votes and will lose five out of nine seats in the European Parliament. The right opposition Fidesz Party won 56% of votes. It came as a surprise that the ultra-right Jobbik Party won 15% of votes and, thus, receives three seats in the Parliament. Today, it has none. According to Gergely Boszormenyi Nagy, a political scientist from Budapest Perspektiva Institute, Jobbik was supported in traditionally Socialist districts, such as poor areas of industrial cities. In these areas, voters' claims "correlate with Jobbik's ideas about Gypsy delinquency and nationalism," he says. The Jobbik Party calling itself pro-Hungarian and nationalist often speaks of 'Gypsy delinquency' as a threat to Hungarian society. Besides, supporters and publicists of the party treat Jews with hostility. Jobbik's main candidate is a 45-year-old lawyer, a mother of three; however, a more apparent symbol of the party is its allied militant group that does not hide its hostility towards Jews and Gipsies.