The opposition Front of Jordan Islamic action has criticized operation organized by Russian authorities on hostages rescue from
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                  The opposition Front of Jordan Islamic action has criticized operation organized by Russian authorities on hostages rescue from


                  The statement of the opposition Front of Islamic action of Jordan (IAF) (dated from October 27) contains severe criticism of actions of Russian authorities as for operation of rescue hostages from a building of the Theatre center in Moscow.
                  This statement has sounded as discord on a background of numerous statements of Islamic leaders condemning act of terrorism. IAF informs the Arabian Internet-edition has addressed to the government of Russia with the request to give Chechen people the right on self-determination.
                  "Russian authorities have made a mistake at settling the crisis with hostages", states IAF. "They had to operate wisely to avoid bloodshed and victims".
                  IAF expressed regret "in connection with this awful incident" and asked Vladimir Putin to analyze true reasons of Chechen problem, taking into account "national striving of Chechens for independence". Authors declared that similar aspirations of other peoples of the former USSR have led to creation of independent states on its territory.
                  The Chechen problem is in the center of attention for Jordanian society as more than 15 thousand citizens of Jordan have Chechen origin.
