World Jewish News
The delegation of the Jewish autonomy participated in the first festival of Jewish culture held in Chita region.
28.10.2002 The delegation of the Jewish autonomy has taken part in the first festival of Jewish culture held in Chita.
The governor of Chita region Ravil Giyatullin and the Assembly of Transbaikalia peoples have invited to the festival of the Jewish culture the official delegation of EAC, representatives of "Freud" religious community and numerous creative collectives.
The visit of EAC delegation to Chita began with the Shabat meeting. The next day the personal exhibition of famous artist Vladislav Tsap has been opened in the building of Chita Philharmonic Society. He has brought over forty pictures made in graphical and mixed techniques of his own invention - gypsum plus gouache. Basically the pictures depict Jewish everyday life and religious subjects. The administration of the Chita Art Museum has asked the Birobidjan artist to leave fabulous exhibition in the walls of the museum for one more month.
Among those who appeared on stage there were the vocal ensemble "Tenderness", saxophonist Ilya Karbyshev, children ensemble of "Freud" community "Ilanot" and representatives of the school of dance "Surprise".
Last day Birobidjanians have shown to the festival hosts the short film about the city and in reply have watched one of interpretations of "Prayer for the dead" directed by the Chita drama theatre. Children collectives of two cities gave a final joint concert in the Palace of Culture "Chita - Energo". The head of the municipal Dance School Elena Antonova conducted a master-class on Jewish dances for heads of Chita choreographic ensembles, teachers of educational institutions on culture and actors of drama theatre.
The governor of Chita region Ravil Giyatullin has taken active part in festival. Staying in Chita has come to the end with signing the agreement between Culture Administrations of Jewish autonomy and Chita regions in respect of further cooperation.