Financial woes spur Ukrainian group to cut programs
Financial woes spur Ukrainian group to cut programs
The Ukrainian Jewish Committee is cutting a considerable number of its programs due to dwindling financial support.
"The UJC got into serious financial difficulty; that's why we should cut down our programs," Eduard Dolinsky, executive director of the Ukrainian Jewish Committee, told JTA.
The cuts to the Jewish lobby's programs, announced last week, surprised Jewish activists in Ukraine.
"This is curious and especially amazing in the light of upcoming presidential and parliamentary elections campaigns in Ukraine," said Mikhail Frenkel, a journalist and president of the Association of Jewish Mass-media in Ukraine who works closely with the committee.
Prominent Ukrainian lawmakers and businessmen formed the group last year to lobby on behalf of Jews in Ukraine and Israel, as well to prevent the infringement of civil and religious rights of Jews and religious and ethnic groups. The group, headed by Jewish lawmaker Aleksandr Feldman, also aims to ensure Jewish continuity and deepen the ties between Ukrainian and Israeli Jews.
It has organized rallies to support Jews and Israel and to protest against Iranian nuclear development, held scientific conferences, and issued statements and published articles on issues of concern to Ukrainian Jews.