Leonora Gorodetskaya, the lecturer of the Public University of Jewish Culture, has conducted a lecture on Jewish motives in crea
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                  Leonora Gorodetskaya, the lecturer of the Public University of Jewish Culture, has conducted a lecture on Jewish motives in crea


                  The program "Literary Room" started its work in the Jewish Cultural center "Beit Dan" in Kharkov. Eleonora Gorodetskaya, the lecturer of the Public University of Jewish Culture, conducted a lecture on Jewish motives in creations of Russian poets. Literary works of M.Slutskiy, E.Bagritskiy, V.Hodasevich, S.Markish, S.Marshak and many others have been submitted to visitors of the Room in context of Jewish poetic identity. In romantic atmosphere filled with musical set-in and illustrations E.Gorodetskaya has acquainted audience with her own poems on Jewish theme; some of them (e.g., "Sacred Jerusalem") became texts of the songs written by composer A.Ivanov who also took part in the lecture. The assembly hall and the literary room of the Center became a junction of two cultures ethnically different but relative on their poetic language.

                  Источник: Jewish.ru