At Theatre square of the capital of Russia supporters of the National party gathered with anti-Semitic posters on the meeting da
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                  At Theatre square of the capital of Russia supporters of the National party gathered with anti-Semitic posters on the meeting da


                  On Thursday the representatives of Left-wing radical opposition incorporated into organizing committee "Red October" carried out the meeting dated to 85-th anniversary of October revolution at Theatre square in Moscow. According to the correspondent of IA "News", in militia estimation, more than 500 persons have taken part in the action. Orators not only habitually convicted "antinational regime" and called for another social revolution, but also exposed "compromisers" and "pink" leaders of the Communist Party of Russian Federation, accusing them in treachery of an affair of revolution. Meanwhile, at the meeting ultra-revolutionary slogans and appeals peacefully adjoined to anti-Semitic and anti-communistic posters that were brought by supporters of the National party. In 40 minutes the left radicals left Theatre square where the meeting of RF Communist Party and "Labor Russia" would take place in the nearest future.
