World Jewish News
Legendary singer Joseph Kobzon lit up candles in Lugansk honoring the joyous Jewish holiday of Hanukkah.
03.12.2002 Yesterday, the legendary singer Joseph Kobzon lit up candles in Lugansk honoring the joyous holiday of Hanukkah.
Despite freezing temperature, more than 100 people gathered in Theatre square to see the ceremony of welcoming one the most beloved Jewish holidays. In the presence of the people gathered in the square, honoring the forth day of the holiday celebrated Joseph Kobzon lit up four candles of a gigantic Hanukkia installed in front of the Region Russian Drama Theatre.
Participating in the festive lighting of Hanukkah candles, the famous singer greeted everyone with the holiday and wished all the members of the peace, well being and prosperity.
The first Hanukkah candle had been lit up in Lugansk on Friday, Nov. 29, in the same place. There are about 9,000 members in Lugask region Jewish community.