Release of the Book of Memory devoted to soldiers-Jews.
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                  Release of the Book of Memory devoted to soldiers-Jews.


                  On December 4, 2002, the solemn evening devoted to release of 7 volumes of Book of Memory devoted to soldiers-Jews, died in fights with nazis, took place in Moscow Jewish Cultural Center.
                  The evening was opened by the Chairman of the Union of Jewish War Invalids and Veterans (UJWIV), the Hero of the Soviet Union, Moses Maryanovsky. He has told about disinterested work of many activists of the organization, that day by day during many years compiled volumetric martyrology. "It is not simply the tribute of memory to unknown heroes, whose names at Stalin`s anti-Semite`s` will have got lost in archives of Great Patriotic War", the UJWIV Chairman has emphasized, - "it is restored justice".
                  Among the visitors representing various Russian, Israeli and international Jewish organizations there was a Secretary General of Euro-Asian Jewish Congress, Mikhail Chlenov, and the EAJC Executive director, Feodor Osinin.
                  The Head of EAJC Public Relations and Mass-Media Department, Vice-president of Vaad in Russia, Roman Spektor, was the first of visitors who took floor. On behalf of the President of Euro-Asian Jewish Congress, Alexander Mashkevich, Roman Spektor has expressed admiration of military and peaceful feats of veterans.
                  Deputies of Moscow Municipal Duma, heads public and law organizations, the military attach

                  Источник: EAJC Public Relations and Media Department