World Jewish News
The 100-th issue of the first Jewish newspaper in Ural has been released by Khanuka holiday.
11.12.2002 The 100-th issue of "Tikvateynu" newspaper of Sverdlovsk society of Jewish culture "Atikva" was published at late November, 2002, by Khanuka holiday. "Tikvateynu" is the first Jewish newspaper which has been issued in Ekaterinburg and in Ural. "Tikvateynu" regularly covers life of Jews in Ekaterinburg and cities of Sverdlovsk area; activity of the Russian Jewish organizations (Vaad in Russia, the Russian Jewish Congress and the Congress of Jewish Religious Organizations and Associations in Russia) as well as of international organizations (Euro-Asian Jewish Congress and the World Jewish Congress). It is possible to get more information on the newspaper on its site
Источник: On information of a member of EAJC General Council, Michael Oshtrah