Interregional Meeting of the Council of Vaad in Russia and leaders of regional local Jewish National-Cultural Autonomies took pl
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                  Interregional Meeting of the Council of Vaad in Russia and leaders of regional local Jewish National-Cultural Autonomies took pl


                  In 8th-9th December, right after Khanuka holiday has been finished, the interregional Meeting of the Council of Vaad in Russia and the leaders of local Jewish national-cultural autonomies dedicated to the 10th anniversary of Vaad in Russia took place in Ekaterinburg. Leaders of Jewish organizations and communities of Ural region have taken part in the Meeting.
                  The president of Vaad in Russia, Mikhail Chlenov; Vaad Vice-President and a member of Vaad Presidium, the head of the regional Vaad Council "Bolshoy Ural", Mikhail Oshtrakh, have presented reports on 10

                  Источник: EAJC Public Relations and Media Department