Israel will take active part in celebrating the 300-anniversary of Petersburg.
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                  Israel will take active part in celebrating the 300-anniversary of Petersburg.


                  The 300-years anniversary of Petersburg provokes sincere interest in Israel. Taking into account how many natives of Russia live in Israel, (in particular, how many former citizens of Petersburg) no wonder that many Israelis treat this anniversary as the important event of the international value. According to IPC, the Ambassador of Russia in Israel, Gennady Tarasov, recently has met active workers of the Association of the natives of Petersburg. The main theme became the discussion of plans of Israelis as for celebrating the 300-th anniversary of city on Neva. On behalf of the State of Israel the Vice-premier of the government, the Minister of Constructing, Natan Sharansky, shared his ideas and emphasized that celebrations in May 2003 would become a good opportunity for strengthening Russian-Israeli friendship and cooperation.
                  According to different information, from 8 up to 12 thousand former residents of Leningrad live in Haifa; in total up to 100 thousand former residents of Leningrad-Petersburg currently live in Haifa. Over 300 active workers of Petersburg's community, currently living in Haifa, Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Akko, Or-Akiva, Tirat ha-Karmele and in other cities, have gathered on the meeting with the Ambassador of Russia and the Vice-premier of the government of Israel.
                  During the meeting Natan Sharansky was offered to head such committee from the side of the state. One of the reasons for such decision could become the fact that during the visit to Israel the governor of Petersburg, Yakovlev, addressed Sharansky with request to head the Israeli part of celebrating of the 300-anniversary of the "Northern Capital" of Russia. Sharansky promised to address the Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, in respect of this suggestion during the nearest session of the government of Israel.
                  Gennady Tarasov has noted the Embassy of Russia will render any help to Israelis participating in the Petersburg's celebrations.
