World Jewish News
The exhibition of Anatoly Kaplan takes place in the Jewish communal center of Saint Petersburg.
16.12.2002 The exhibition of the artist Anatoly Kaplan has opened In the Jewish communal center of Saint Petersburg. Among the exhibited items there are graphic works created by the artist during last 15 years in techniques of lithography and etching.
Tankhum Levikovich (Anatoly Lvovich) Kaplan was born in Rogatchyov - district city of the Mogilyov province - on December 16, 1902. According to the director of the Jewish Community center of Saint Petersburg, Alexander Frenkel, the exhibition is devoted to the 100-anniversary of the artist. Alexander Frenkel says the glory of Anatoly Kaplan remains "quiet", but it is recognized the graphic culture of XX century would be poorer without him.
The artist perceived the techniques of lithography in 1936 and remained faithful to it till the end of life. He managed to disclose all resources of lithography and achieved that level of freedom at which the material and techniques become only the means of expressing the most complex plans of the artist. In stylistics of lithography one can notice evident influence of Jewish folk art: plainness, conventionality of image and decor, active use of ornaments and fonts. The last Kaplan's creation made in techniques of lithography became the album devoted to children's stories by Sholom-Aleyhem created in late 60th. In the beginning of 70th the elderly artist has been compelled to leave his work with stone. That time he has perceived the techniques of etching. But, having changed techniques he has not changed the style, subjects and heroes - touching, ridiculous and tragical inhabitants of the Jewish townships.