Presentation of the Russian textbook for Hebrew speaking pupils of Israeli schools.
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                  Presentation of the Russian textbook for Hebrew speaking pupils of Israeli schools.


                  Presentation of the Russian textbook "At the same planet" developed on the instructions of the Ministry of Public Education for Israeli schools studying Russian as foreign language has taken place in Ber-Sheba.
                  The creative collective of highly professional experts selected on competition has created the unique textbook having no analogues in the world. The textbook takes into account realities of the pupil's environment, nature, Jewish concepts and cultural values. Texts contain lyrics by Pushkin, Lermontov, Okudzhava. Writers living in Israel, A.Aleksin and D.Rubina, have also provided their literary works. The J.Kim's poem "Pray" is printed near the image of the page from the TANAKH. The textbook is perfectly illustrated with colorful pictures and amusing caricatures.
