World Jewish News
"Moslems of Russia are turned into targets".
23.12.2002 The article entitled "Moslems of Russia are turned into targets", by Susan Glasser, is published in last issue of American newspaper Washington Post. In the subtitle there is the quotation of Zvenigorod's imam Jakub Valiyllin: "we are new Jews".
The article is devoted to persecutions of representatives of Muslim religion in Russia which, according to the author, have begun soon after capture of the theatrical centre in Moscow by Chechen terrorists.
The imam Valiyllin says in the interview to the American edition that persecutions of Moslems are caused by usual people as well as by law enforcement bodies. He states that now it became difficult for Moslems to live in Russia. He emphasises, "in Russia we have one problem - we always search for the enemy". "It was all the same with Jews. Now all of them have left for Israel... Instead of Jews they (Russians) attack Moslems". "We are new Jews", imam summarises.