The festival of national-cultural communities "All of us are your children, Ukraine".
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                  The festival of national-cultural communities "All of us are your children, Ukraine".


                  The Sixth regional festival of national-cultural communities "All of us your children, Ukraine" took place in Dnepropetrovsk palace of students.
                  Before the beginning of festival employees of the regional state administration on affairs of nationalities and immigrations have held a meeting with journalists. In total forty five national communities are registrated in Dnepropetrovsk area. Art groups of twelve cultural communities of the region have taken part in the festival.
                  The deputy the head of the department of culture, E.N.Samarets, and the head of the department of the regional committee on affairs of nationalities and migrations, N.A.Abraimov, have opened the festival. They have noted that the culture of our country is made up of cultures of many peoples, and activity of national communities promotes prosperity of Ukraine. Among participants of the festival there were vocal, dancing, instrumental groups of Greek, Armenian, Russian, Polish, German, Georgian, Korean, Azerbaijan, Karaim and Jewish communities.
                  Jewish community was represented by the vocal studio "Of symkhas" (conducted by Yuliana Danilova) that performed "Light the candls" and "Jewish Saturday" and Zinaida Chepa with a song "Jewish eyes".
