World Jewish News
Russian Jews have developed their own social concept of the most prominent aspects of modern life.
26.12.2002 Following Orthodox and Muslims, Russian Jews have developed their own social concept containing the sight of the Jewish community at most prominent aspects of the modern life, informs "Interfax".
The document has been developed by the Congress of Jewish Religious Organizations and Associations of Russia (CJROAR).
"Being based on the Jewish religious tradition, authors of the Concept, in particular, write that the basic role of a woman consists in housekeeping and education of children. Giving high estimation of the public role of women and welcoming their political, cultural and social equality with men, the synagogue simultaneously resists the tendency to belittling the role of a woman as a spouse and a mother", the document states.
The concept also reminds, that "in Judaism there is no assumption celibacy leads to special sanctity. On the contrary, marriage is presented as the ideal, and sexual relations - as the most secret and joyful way of deepening the dialogue between people".
Mentioning questions of property, the document asserts that "each person should have enough means for worthy existence. At the same time the synagogue warns of excessive interest in material benefits".
By tradition, one of the articles touches the problem of abortions where it is said that "fidelity to the bible doctrine about sanctity and incredible value of the human life from its very sources is incompatible with recognition of the "freedom of choice" of a women in respect of the destiny of the fetus".
Cloning is accepted in that case when it is a question of isolated tissue and cells of an organism, that is there is no encroachment on dignity of a person.
Thus there expressed ambiguous opinion to the death penalty which is, according to the document, "admitted by the Bible as it contains no instructions as for necessity of its cancellation".
"At the same time cancellation of a death penalty gives more opportunities for rabbi to work with stumbled. By today many states have cancelled the death penalty by law or have stopped practicing it". As it is stated in the Concept, "remembering that mercy is always more preferable than revenge the synagogue welcomes such steps of the governments".
The document forbids rabbis to participate in activity of political organizations, to provide agitation for them and also to put forward candidates at elections.
Judaism orders the coreligionists to obey the government and to pray for it for the sake of improvement of the world. Authors of the concept remind that in all synagogues of Russia Jews pray for its government and express hope that God "will bless and will glorify, and will uplift our governors on height - the president, the head of the government and mayor of a city as well as all citizens of the Russian Federation".
Russian Jews also ask the Lord "to strengthen defenders of the Sacred Land, to assign them a crown of deliverance and to cover them with the wreath of victory". Thus it is emphasized that "only on the Promised Land it is possible to execute all precepts given to us by God".