In December "Tnuat aliah", the department of the Jewish agency, has carried out a number of actions informing on possi
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                  In December "Tnuat aliah", the department of the Jewish agency, has carried out a number of actions informing on possi


                  In December "Tnuat aliah", the department of the Jewish agency, has carried out a number of actions focused on encouragement of repatriation and stuff training.
                  Thirty-six aliah coordinators from Russia and the Asian countries of the CIS arrived to Israel for participation in the intensive 11-day's seminar during which they got acquainted with activity and programs of the Jewish agency in sphere of absorption.
                  The program of the seminar presupposed visiting centers of absorption and educational centers as well as meetings with public representatives and reception of the information necessary for conducting the explanatory work. Aliah coordinators are citizens of the CIS having intention to be repatriated to Israel. They work together with representatives of the Jewish agency, realizing programs of the Jewish Agency in the countries of the CIS and promoting process of repatriation.
                  The new courses were opened at the First Aid Service ("Magen Davia adom"); its task is preparation of volunteers from foreign countries for rendering assistance at military bases and in various social services. After the end of a week course at the educational center of the Jewish Agency in Kiryat-Moria (Jerusalem) over 20 friends of Israel from Great Britain, Australia, France and the USA within six weeks will work on a voluntary basis in various points of "Magen David adom".
                  About 20 person, in the age of 20-30 years, are arriving from Argentina to Israel for a five-day fact-finding trip under the program "Tour V'Aleh". It is already the eleventh group arriving from Argentina. They will visit the centers of absorption of the Jewish Agency, universities and colleges, with the purpose of receiving the information on various possible variants of absorption. The Jewish agency offers special "aid basket" to encourage repatriation from Argentina which population suffers from political and an economic crisis.
                  Seven hundred students from former Soviet Union, in the age of from 17 till 26 years, arrived to Israel during the last month within the framework of "Taglit" program. This program of the Jewish Agency gives an opportunity to acquaint within several days with conditions of repatriation and absorption, having visited high educational institutions and centers of absorption. 200 young people have visited universities and met the representative of the Ministry of Defense of Israel.
