Europe’s Largest Sukkah
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                  World Jewish News

                  Europe’s Largest Sukkah

                  Photo by Levi Nazarov

                  Europe’s Largest Sukkah

                  17.10.2017, Community Life

                  The huge Sukkah adjacent to the Moscow Jewish Community Center in Marina Roscha was buzzing with activity during the days of Sukkos.

                  During the first two days of Yom Tov, followed by Shabbat, the sukka hosted thousands of people who came to eat the holiday meals which were served free of charge. Despite the strong rains and wintery weather, there was an uplifting and brotherly atmosphere as people sat together in no hurry to leave, singing and enjoying the festive ambience.

                  The festive meals were led by Chief Rabbi of Russia, Rabbi Berel Lazar, who inspired the crowds with words of Torah and wisdom. They were followed by spontaneous dancing in the city’s streets each evening of Chol Hamoed.

                  For the Jews of Russia, Simchat Torah has always been THE holiday, with hundreds and thousands showing up for the festivities, drawing strength from these special days for the rest of the year.
