National State Party of Russia does not agree with the warning by the Ministry of Justice and is ready to file a complaint.
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                  National State Party of Russia does not agree with the warning by the Ministry of Justice and is ready to file a complaint.


                  The National State Party of Russia is planning to make a complaint on the Minister of Justice's written warning on the inadmissibility of extremist activities. The Minister of Justice of the Russian Federation offered the NSPR to state openly, and within three days since the warning received, its attitude towards the interview by the Party's co-Chairman Boris Mironov published at the end of 2002 in a Moscow newspaper.
                  The Ministry of Justice's opinion is that this interview contains calls for the infringement of the constitutional rights of the citizens based on the citizens' belonging to different ethnical groups, too. For instance, Mironov offers to deprive non-aboriginal nationalities, including Jew, of the right to vote.
                  On the other hand, the second Co-chairman of the NSPR Stanislav Terekhov pointed out that Mironov gave the interview as a private person without any previous coordination with the Central Council of the Party.
                  "An official letter will be sent to the Ministry of Justice. The letter will contain the decision of the Central Political Council of the NSPR saying that the warning issued has no grounds and requesting its revocation. If the Ministry of Justice allows our appeal, we will be satisfied with this. If not, we will appeal the decision in the court of law", said Terekhov, on Thursday, in an interview to "Echo of Moscow" radio station.
                  Moreover, the interview by Mironov was preceded by the comments by the journalist Yuriy Vasilyev calling the NSPR registration that of a Nazi party.
                  As a result of this, Terekhov does not exclude possibilities "of filing additional suits against "Moscow News" and the author Vasilyev next week".
