Pogrom in the Jewish Cultural center in Ulyanovsk.
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                  Pogrom in the Jewish Cultural center in Ulyanovsk.


                  January 20, unidentified criminals made a pogrom in the Jewish Cultural center in Ulyanovsk. All the windows were smashed. No one was hurt.
                  It happened yesterday, around 7pm. A children dancing class was conducted in the house of the Jewish community, 105, Lenin str. At that very moment, unidentified people started smashing the windows. Then they started running in the direction of "Aquarium". The witnesses say that the adult members of the community caught the teenaged hooligans in the store and took them back. However, en route to the center, they were attacked by six more hooligans trying to free their comrades. The assaulters were armed with chains and gas sprays. A fight broke out. Fortunately, no one was seriously damaged, for the special police force unite reacted immediately. One of the vandals, a 16-year old student from Ulyanovsk, was detained. He confirmed that the attack was organized by local nationalists, whom he had met in a city's club shortly before the incident. A criminals case is started, the investigation is in progress.

                  Источник: MIGnews.com