Petersburg became the home for all peoples living on the banks of Neva.
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                  Petersburg became the home for all peoples living on the banks of Neva.


                  Premiere of the film "Petersburg multinational" took place in the Petersburg's cinema "Svet". The popular-scientific documentary film about the multinational and multiconfessional city is created by the "Ethnos" film studio at support of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation and devoted to the 300-anniversary of the city on Neva. The film suggests the "Petersburg history" of various peoples: Germans, Tatars, Estonians, Jews from the beginning of XVIII century, when they came at the invitation or command of Peter I, up to the present day.
                  "We have created the film which evidently shows that for all peoples living now on branches of Neva Petersburg became the home; that initially the city was formed as the multinational megacity." - Nina Serebrjakova, the film director, has told at the premiere. "Two centuries ago there was more European situation in Petersburg than on banks of Seine and Themes. And today our aim is creative activity for the city's good."
