8th Moscow International Festival of Jewish Children and Teenage Art will be held under the auspices of the Government of Moscow
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                  8th Moscow International Festival of Jewish Children and Teenage Art will be held under the auspices of the Government of Moscow


                  The regularly scheduled 8th Moscow International Festival of Jewish Children and Teenage Art will be held in Moscow. "Activa" vocal ensemble (Kerch), "Menorah" dance ensemble (Yekaterinburg), "Migdal" choir of the South Ukrainian regional JEC (Odessa), "Osher" dance ensemble (Tyumen), "Mazal" dance and vocal ensemble of the Mountain Jews (Pyatigorsk), "Ionat ha-shalom" dance ensemble (Tbilisi), "Simha" Exemplary theater of Jewish songs (Minsk), "Thila" vocal ensemble (Saint Petersburg), "Ketsev haim" vocal ensemble (Yaroslavl), "Yuvel" dance ensemble (Novossibirsk), and many others will participate.
                  Over 370 young singers, dancers, instrumentalists and elocutionists representing 27 cities and town of the former USSR will perform in Moscow and Moscow region (Chekhov, Lyubertsie, Mytischi), as well as in Yaroslavl, Tula, Tver. The festival is held under the auspices of the Government of Moscow and the Governor of Moscow region.

                  Источник: Sem40.ru