Basic mechanism of distributing the compensation among the relatives of the victims of the TU-154 downing over the Black sea in
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                  Basic mechanism of distributing the compensation among the relatives of the victims of the TU-154 downing over the Black sea in


                  The Israeli and Russian relatives of the victims of the TU-154 crash over the Black sea have agreed upon the principles of distributing the compensation money among the families living in the two countries. If the promised amount will be paid, the money will be distributed among the relatives of first succession in both, Russian and Israel. This has been announced today by Serguei Araslanov, the lawyer of the Novosibirsk relatives of the victims. On Friday, Serguei Araslanov participated in the negotiation between the relatives in Jerusalem.
                  It was in November 2002 when Ukraine expressed its willingness to compensate the families whose members had perished when a Russian plane had been hit by a Ukrainian S-200 missile during the Ukrainian Air Force military exercises. However, the compensation amount offered did not satisfy the relatives. Thus, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine is currently negotiating changes of the amount with the Israeli and Russian sides. Serguei Araslanov would not disclose the sum offered by Ukraine. However, he revealed that if the sum was paid, families of every victim would receive less than USD 290,000.00 each; that is less than the sum originally claimed by the families. The work of the interdepartmental commissions from Ukraine, Israel, and Russia is in progress. So are the negotiations among the relatives who are trying to agree beforehand upon the principle of distributing the money which has not been allocated yet. Serguei Araslanov has said that, the total amount of the compensation money given by Ukraine will to be shared between the two countries; and only then, considering the distribution policy, every family will receive their share of compensation. Araslanov has said that the basic distribution mechanism has already been developed; it is based on the "first succession relatives' country of origin" principle. The majority of the victims had double citizenship, leaving behind relatives in both countries. Thus, the place of living of the victims was not considered; however, a number of relatives of first succession were picked in both countries. It is an interesting fact, that according to the Russian legislation, relative of first succession are children, spouses, and parents; however, according to the Israeli laws, those are spouses, children, brothers and sisters, but not parents. That is why the principles of defining relatives of first succession in this particular money distributing situation are expected to be agreed upon during the second meeting with the Israeli relatives.
