World Jewish News
Khabarovsk: First festival of Jewish culture in the Far East.
09.03.2003 The first festival of Jewish culture in the Far East was held in Khabarovsk. The festival is organized by the Khabarovsk branch of the "Jewish agency in Russia" and the "Mizrakh" religious community. In an interview to the "Vostok-Media" news agency, the organizers have said the festival was held on the eve of the Jewish holiday of Purim, which celebrates salvation of the Jewish people from total extermination during the times of Babylon capture.
The festival consisted of two contests. One of them was for amateur ensembles performing ethnic dances and songs. The winner will participate in the International Festival of Jewish Arts in Moscow. The other one was for youth humor theater companies from Birobidjan, Khabarovsk, Vladivostok, and other cities and towns of the region. The companies staged funny sketches. The winners of this contest are awarded with a trip to Belarus, where a similar contest will be held in Vitebsk.