A new album by Russian language bards released in Israel.
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                  A new album by Russian language bards released in Israel.


                  Last week, a new album by Russian language bards was successfully launched at the soirees held in Jerusalem, Ashdod, Beer-Sheva, and Bat-Yama. The album includes new tracks by Yuliy Kim, Dmitri Kiemelfeld, Marina Marmelad, Mikhail Feldman and Alexander Medvedenko (Dova). The "Jerusalem Album" is the first one in the "Israeli Bard Songs in Russian" series. A similar soiree, where the audience will meet their favorite bards, will soon be held in Rekhovot.
                  Opening the presentation soiree in the capital's "Binyanei a-Uma" concert hall, the "Jerusalem Journal" chief editor Igor Byalskiy thanked the Jewish agency for the support in releasing the album, and expressed hope that the "Jerusalem Album" editions to follow would introduce the wide audience to other talented Israeli authors and singers, whose songs had been not included into the first album.

                  Источник: Jewish.ru