World Jewish News
Moscow: during the Peisach, the Jews would wash down Kiev matzoth with Moscow juice.
31.03.2003 The Moscow Jews will celebrate Peisach with natural grape juice bottled in their city. The city's community had ordered 200,000 bottles of this "Godly" beverage for the upcoming holiday, celebrated this year on April 17.
The Moscow religious Jewish community has told the "MK", that the Jews started supporting the "Slavonic" producers last year, when the matzoth baked in Ukraine was served to the Easter tables of "Moses' children". Up until then, the Moscow Judaism followers were delivered all the Easter food, including the grape juice blessed by God, straight form Israel.
Now, the producers of the Kosher beverage destined for consuming on Easter is a Moscow company. So, this year, the Moscow Jews will wash down Kiev matzoth with Moscow juice.
By the way, two weeks prior to Peisach, the Jewish youth from all over the Russia will gather in Moscow. The Jewish teenagers will be taught to set the Easter table.