World Jewish News
"Warm House" has opened its doors for aged and ill people in Ivanov.
15.04.2003 The "Warm House" program was started in the club of the Hesed "Yad leBanim". The program presupposes visiting aged and badly ill people aimed at organizing leisure and forthcoming holidays for them not to feel lonely and separated from the society.
The first visit was paid to I.Cherepnina, the woman who has been confined to bed for 7 years because of the heavy disease. Among the visitors there was the director of the Hesed, I.Ryabova; volunteers L.Kumeeva, Z.Aronova and N.Siling. The event has been carried out by R.Puhova, the coordinator of Hesed cultural programs.
The visitors told Inessa about the holiday of Pesakh, its history and the Easter Seder table. They also read some fragments from Agada. Women laid the table near to the bed of the hostess, drank tea together with her, made conversation, and sang Jewish songs under accompaniment of the piano that has remained soundless for years.
It was pleasant to see joy on the face of the woman who did not have such possibility to communicate with people for many years. It was pleasant to see a smile on her face and to understand that we did something necessary that brought warmth to our souls.