Judaic Religious Association in Belarus has received the certificate on re-registration.
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                  Judaic Religious Association in Belarus has received the certificate on re-registration.


                  One of these days the Judaic Religious Association has received the certificate on re-registration in Belarus. According to the Committee on Affairs of Religions and Nationalities under the Council of Ministers, the structure of the JRA includes 14 communities owning 6 cult buildings. The Association founded the Charitable mission "Revival of Judaism", two religious educational institutions. Pilgrimage to the sacred places was also organized at its support. The RUJEN's correspondent in the JRA was informed that the number of members in the religious communities united under the Association was about 4 thousand persons; in total there were 13,5 thousand people who took part in programs of the Assosiation. Association of Judaic religious communities and Religious Association of progressive Judaic communities which are currently acting in the country have not re-registered yet.

                  Источник: jn.com.ua