In Jerusalem the Jewish "Sokhnut" Agency has submitted the claim to the Supreme Court of Justice.
In Jerusalem the Jewish "Sokhnut" Agency for the first time has submitted the claim to the Supreme Court of Justice against the Ministry of Constructing and the Ministry of Finance. The claim was submitted together with the Council of Associations of Repatriates. The reason for this unknown action of "Sokhnut" became the decision of the Ministry of Finance to terminate providing new repatriates with the state help for purchasing the habitation. "Considering the budget reduction the government has made the decision to cancel all gratuitous loans for purchasing habitation by new inhabitants of Israel, - the press secretary of the Jewish Agency, Semen Dovzhik, told the reporter of the RUJEN, - thus the government has renounced all its previous obligations in respect of ten thousand families of new citizens of Israel as well as of those Jews of Diaspora who consider the possibility of repatriation". In his turn, the head of the "Sokhnut", Salay Meridor, has noticed that such steps of the government contradict the bases of the Jewish State and will fatally affect the aliah".