Ninth report and election conference of the all-Israeli Union of Repatriates from the USSR-CIS held in Beit Zionei.
The 9th regular report and election conference of the all-Israeli Union of Repatriates from the USSR-CIS was held in Beit Zionei. This is the last conference of the Union before it unites with the Zionist Forum in the Congress of Russian-speaking communities and organizations of Israel.
The delegates listened to the report by the all-Israeli Union's Chairwoman Sofa Landver on the organization's activities over the last four years. The deputies (the chairmen of town departments and sections, volunteers) elected the governing bodies: the chairman, his/her deputies, the administration and the presidium.
Sofa Landver, in particular, said:
"I want to express my gratitude to all the volunteers of the all-Israeli Union; to all those who, sparing neither time nor forces of theirs, helped and help new repatriates to come through an uneasy path of absorption and integration; to all those who, all through the organization's existence, were marching in step with the aliah. Our work is for the people and in the name of the people; and, were it not for the rank-and-file members, we would not have been able to carry out any of the projects".