Negotiations regarding the indemnification for the relatives of victims killed in a Russian Airlines
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                  Negotiations regarding the indemnification for the relatives of victims killed in a Russian Airlines


                  Negotiations between representatives of Israel and Ukraine took place concerning compensation for the relatives of the passengers who died in a Russian Airlines plane brought down by Ukrainian Air Defense Forces in October, 2001. According to information possessed by the RUJEN Agency, the amount proposed by Ukrainian authorities totalled a bit less than USD $30,000 for each victim. Claims by Russian and Israeli sides exceed Ukrainian proposals. One of the lawyers representing Israel told our reporter that it was possible to talk about amounts twenty times larger than the proposed one. "For example", - he says, - "Relatives of Mr. Savich, a Russian flight engineer, demand USD $566,000, and the spouse of Mr. Boris Levchugov, the 2nd pilot, claims USD $780,000. The Israelites
