The book devoted to xenofobia and anti-Semitism problems is issued in Moldavia.
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                  The book devoted to xenofobia and anti-Semitism problems is issued in Moldavia.


                  Moldavian Center for tolerance and pluralism promotion together with the republican newspaper of Democratic Party "New time" issued the book "Century of intolerance". The book includes clauses, memoirs and documents in Russian and Moldavian languages telling about xenofobia, discrimination on religious and ethnic basis, restriction of civil freedoms in the republic for previous 100 years (which were included in secret list earlier). Considerable attention is paid to attitude of society and authorities to Jews. Victor Roshka, project director of the Center for tolerance and pluralism promotion informed, that many people, of mentioned in the book not in good context, were alive and he expected rough reaction, after the circulation would be sold. Victor Roshka considers that intolerance and anti-Semitism in Moldova exists now so, consequently, " due course the book should turn into periodic edition".
