Scope of the Bohdanovka tragedy comparable to the Babiy Yar tragedy.
A memorial day to the 50,000 Jews murdered by German and Romanian Nazis and local police in 1941 - 1942 in the village of Bohdanovka (Nikolaev oblast) was held in Nikolaev. Ivan Slivenko, chief of the local police supervised the murder of Jews. In 1941, Nazis organized a concentration camp for Jews in a pigsty of the local farm "Bohdanovskiy". The Jews were from Moldova, Odessa and other Ukrainian territories. The captives ate beetroots and dried bread. 12 policemen and 4 Nazis undressed and shot them near the village of Bohdanovka. The corpses were collected in piles, doused with gasoline and burned. Those who tried to resist were confined to the pigsty and burned alive. The policemen were sentenced to different terms of punishment after the war. Ivan Slivenko, the chief of police, was shot in 1960 in acordance with a decision by the Supreme Court of the Ukrainian SSR. Those who marked the Memorial Day consider that scope of the tragedy in Bohdanovka to be comparable to the tragedy in Babiy Yar, where Nazis killed almost 35,000 Jews and Gypsies on September 29th-30th, 1941. However the incident in Bohdanovka has not yet been immortalized at the state level as has the tragedy in Babiy Yar.