Israeli Ministry of Immigrant Absorption has decided to reduce funds for government organizations, created to offer financial an
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                  Israeli Ministry of Immigrant Absorption has decided to reduce funds for government organizations, created to offer financial an


                  At the end of July, the parliamentary commission on immigration and absorption held a session to consider the decision of the Ministry of Immigrant Absorption to reduce the budgets of public organizations, created to provide financial and moral support to new repatriates.
                  "Approximately 500 of such organizations exist. The majority of people who use their services are lonely elderly people who have no other place to go for help. Also, the volunteers work with broken, low-income families and war veterans.
                  Cutting funds for these volunteer organizations by one-third is a step toward terminating their activities altogether. There are alternative solutions to solving the budget problem. For example, the number of employees of the Ministry of Immigration and Absorption can be cut It has more staff today than there are new repatriates,
