EAJC CEO Participates in Conference on Judeo-Christian Dialogue
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                  EAJC CEO Participates in Conference on Judeo-Christian Dialogue

                  EAJC CEO Participates in Conference on Judeo-Christian Dialogue


                  Euro-Asian Jewish Congress Director General Haim Ben Yaakov participated in an international conference on Jewish-Chistian interfaith dialogue, which took place in Tel-Aviv. The revolutionary process of normalizing the relationship between the Catholic church and the Jews, which began 50 years ago, still continues today. On December 10, a special commission of the Catholic church published a document that officially calls to stop attempts to convert Jews to Christianity.

                  The process began in 1965, when the Second Vatican Council in Rome adopted the Nostra Aetate (“In our time...”) Declaration, which declared a new attitude to non-Christian religions, including Judaism. Where Nostra Aetate concerns the Jews, it touches upon several important theological issues: the Church does not hold the Jewish people collectively responsible for the death of Jesus Christ, accepts the Jewish roots of Christianity and the Jews’ status as “the chosen people,” affirms that the Old Testament remains in force for the Jews, and condemns anti-Semitism.