The diplomat stressed that Russia and Israel are cooperating closely to overcome the ramifications of the pandemic and are engaged in open and frequent discussions to find ways to mitigate them.
In the lead-up to the 75th anniversary of the conclusion of the Second World War, the Central Naval Museum of St. Petersburgh has hosted an exposition entitled ‘Jewish Warriors — Heroes of the Soviet Union.’
The Russian Federal agency responsible for the maintenance and restoration of sites of historical value has announced plans to hold a design competition, aimed at the restoration of a historical synagogue in the Siberian city of Tomsk.
Compared to Jewish communities which became virus epicenters, Russia’s Jews seem to have gotten off relatively easy thus far — and early synagogue closures may be responsible
Hundreds of Jewish communities, in both large cities and small towns and villages across the former Soviet Union, are now in the final stages of preparation towards a very different Passover, unlike any they have ever experienced before.
Terror group says Sergey Lavrov conveyed Russia’s readiness to help forge Palestinian unity; Israel reportedly files protest with Moscow against meeting.
The EnerJew youth movement ran over 10 Shabbatons over this winter, brining on the overall more than 1,000 Jewish teenagers together in various cities throughout the region.